Friday, August 15, 2008

Last week

I would like to let everyone know that I have eaten 17 plates of sushi two days ago, and my... it was a lot! I felt so full and the two seats beside me and my friend Terence left twice before we finished.

Olympics is heating up because atheletics events are coming up, which means US is going to crawl up in the gold medal list. China, you have to do your best and prove to the world that we are number 1!

Yesterday something kind of interesting happened at the MTR station when I was going online during lunch time. A group of college students approached me and ask if I have a business card because they are playing a game. I gave them mine. When they are walking away, I overheard them saying "Wow, he is a magician."


Only one more week, and for those who have asked when I am coming back, I will be departuring from Hong Kong on 8/26, you do the Math. I am really excited to get my new doves, creating a new dove act, living in a new apartment and going to school again. I hope this summer experience can help me through school and thus improve my overall grades comparing to last semester. Though there are some up and down in this two months, but I have to admit that this has been the most meaningful summer ever, really opened my eyes to the world. People in university are just like planets in a galaxy. Due to this great experience, I have written a Chinese poem regarding this trip, but since the words are too hard and I am too lazy to look up and words, copy and paste here. I will sure show everyone when I come back.


p.s. Once again, I have made Derren Brown becomes Terence's idol, and he is now super interested in cold reading and NLP. Muahaha.

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